Federal Programs
Title I is the largest federal aid to education program in the country. Title I programs enable schools to provide opportunities for children served to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the state content and performance standards developed for all children and to promote effective parent involvement. Eligible schools use Title I funds for supplemental instructional materials, technology, additional staff, parent involvement programs and materials, and professional development.
Title II, Part A -- Supporting Effective Instruction
The purpose of Title II, Part A is to increase the academic achievement of all students by helping schools and districts improve teacher and principal quality and effectiveness by providing professional development activities designed to prepare, train, and recruit highly qualified teachers and principals.
Title III -- English Learners
Title III funds are supplemental to the core ESL program and are used for professional development, materials, and supplies.
Title V -- Rural and Low Income
The Rural and Low-Income Schools program is an initiative that provides grant funds to rural LEAs that serve concentrations of children from low-income families
TITLE I-Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
A Title I school must have at least 40% of its student population qualify for free or reduced lunch. Title I funds, along with other Federal, State, and local funds, can be used to operate a "schoolwide program" to upgrade the instructional program for the whole school. Programs must use instructional strategies based on evidence based research and implement parental involvement activities.
If a student is having academic problems, you may wish to discuss it with the administrator at your school or you may call Ashlie Harrison at 205-280-3000.

Federal Programs Information
TITLE II-Preparing, Training and Recruiting High-Quality Teachers and Principals and Class Size Reduction
The purpose of this part is to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality and increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classrooms.
Preparing and Training
As funds are available, professional development activities are supported in cooperation with state and local funding to positively impact the areas identified through the comprehensive needs assessment.
The Chilton County School District actively recruits highly qualified personnel. All potential applicants are carefully screened for Highly Qualified requirements.
Current personnel are assigned to teaching positions based on highly qualified status as identified by state and federal requirements. Assistance is provided for core subject area personnel not meeting highly qualified status to become highly qualified by the dates mandated by NCLB.
Highly Qualified
Chilton County Title I Schools' goal for teachers is 100%. Highly qualified teacher shortages exist in Alabama in the areas of math, science and foreign language. Federal funds will be made available to existing teachers who are considered not highly qualified to become highly qualified in their core academic subjects. Personnel and schedule adjustments will be made where appropriate to continue to strive to meet the 100% goal. All new personnel hired will meet the qualifications stated in Section 1119, if possible. All efforts will be made to employ Highly Qualified personnel through recruiting, contacting other school systems and universities, reviewing applications on file, etc.
100% of Title I schools' teachers and paraprofessionals have met the highly qualified requirements.
Class Size Reduction
Teacher units are allocated to schools based on greatest need after all State Foundation units have been allocated to targeted schools.
Title III
What is the Core EL Program?
ESL is the Core EL Program in Chilton County. {for more information}
Where can I find Chilton County's ESL/EL plan?
Each school has a copy of the plan in the library.
A copy can also be found on this Chilton County website, Federal Programs, ESL, ESL Forms.
How are students identified as EL students?
Home Language Survey--If a parent writes English & another language or only another language as the language spoken by the student and in the household, then the ESL teachers will determine through parent and student interviews whether the student should be screened for ESL services.
Once enrolled, the student will receive the W-APT screener. (within 30 days @ the beginning of school or 10 days during the school year)
I hear my EL student speaking English in the hall and at lunch, so why isn't he/she doing better in my classroom?
English language spoken in the hall, on the bus, in the cafeteria, or at PE is SOCIAL LANGUAGE. Social Language is learned quicker than ACADEMIC LANGUAGE. It takes several years for EL students to learn and understand the different content area vocabulary.
Who can translate for a school conference or during the enrollment of a student?
- my student? no
- the brother, sister, or cousin of my student? no
- a friend or neighbor? no
- the student's pastor/minister? no
- Spanish II students? no
- Only school board personnel or provided translator may translate a conference or IEP meeting.
Where can I find school forms about behavior, bus issues, or health concerns?
Transact -Contains forms in many different languages. ALSDE has approved all forms for school use.
Where can I find information on ACCESS for ELLs, Can Do Descriptors, and ELD Standards?
WIDA -Contains the ELD standards, Can Do Descriptors, and EL webinars.
ELD Standards can also be found on this website in the ESL FORMS section under CLASSROOM.
Important Information on Classroom Accommodations
- I-ELP: Individual English Language Plan is mandatory, not optional
- Manipulatives, photos, Power Point, highlighting texts, underlining important facts, word boxes, graphic organizers can be useful accommodation tools
- Less Lecturing and More Demonstrating
- Use Power Point or notes on the board, when lecturing.
- Don’t give textbook assignments if the students don’t have textbooks.
- Don’t give Internet assignments to complete at home since many people do not have Internet.
- Write assignments on the board.
- Make the study guide match the test.
- Re-check for comprehension for all students.
- Simplify language used in instruction and for directions.
- Pair your EL with a native English speaker, not another EL or former EL student in order to translate the entire lesson.
- Provide page #’s for answer location instead of a vague reference that it is in the chapter.
- For additional accommodation suggestions, speak with your ESL teacher.
Can parents refuse ESL services?
Yes. According to the Department of Justice in the "Dear Colleague" letter, parents may refuse ESL services for their children, regardless of when the ESL services occur. The student will still receive accommodations and support in the classroom and will take the ACCESS for ELLs annual assessment until he/she exits the ESL program.
- Spanish Home Language Survey
- Vietnamese Ethnicty Race
- Vietnamese Home Language Survey
- English Home Language Survey
- Vietnamese Enrollment
- Spanish Enrollment 2015
- Residency Affidavit Spanish
- Korean Home Language Survey
- Korean Enrollment
- Korean Ethnicity Race
- Japanese Registration Form
- Gujarati Home Language Survey
- Japanese Home Language Survey
- Gujarati Ethnicity-Race
- Japanese Ethnicity-Race
- Gujarati Registration Form
- Identifying EL Student
- Chinese Enrollment
- English Version of Japanese Gujarati Reg. Forms
- English Enrollment 2015
- Chinese Home Language Survey
- Chinese Ethnicity Race
- Prescribidor Medico- Prescription
- Solicitud de Hostigamiento- Bullying
- Procedimiento de Quejas y Agravios Complaint Procedures Part A
- Procedimiento de Quejas y Agravios Complaint Procedures Part C
- Procedimiento de Quejas y Agravios Complaint Procedures Part E
- Adenda de Valedictorian y Salutatorian (Addendum)
- Permiso de Tecnologia-Technology Permission
- Guía de Información para los Estudiantes-Padres
- Evaluacion Medica- Health Evaluation
- Complaint Procedures English Parts A, C, E